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Social Media & DBS Checks for Education & Business

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Recruiting Care Workers

Recruiting care workers is a challenging task for many health and social care organizations. The CQC regulations require that all employees are of good character, and employers must take every effort to confirm this. However, with the high turnover rates and difficulty in finding staff, it is becoming increasingly challenging to recruit suitable candidates.

According to the government’s ‘Adult social care workforce survey,’ published in December 2021, the majority of employers are struggling to recruit and retain staff. Additionally, staff are experiencing low energy levels and are considering leaving due to requests for additional hours. Rates of pay are a significant factor affecting the industry, and staff turnover is running at well over 30% per annum.

To address the requirement that employees must be of good character, it is essential to invest in holistic information about potential recruits. One practical way to assess a candidate’s character is through social media screening. However, it is crucial to conduct this practice ethically and in compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

Research has shown a clear link between online behaviour and workplace behaviour, and social media screening can identify risk factors. For instance, identifying posts using the hashtag #ihateoldpeople, engaging in chat rooms that promote gerontophobia, or venting about old people on Reddit can be warning signs.

By effectively screening candidates, organisations can satisfy the CQC requirements, reduce recruitment costs by hiring fewer unsuitable people, and lower the risk of reputational damage. It is essential to approach social media screening with caution and consult with experts in this field to ensure that it is conducted in compliance with relevant regulations.